Sunday, March 20, 2011
Blue Sky Movie Ranch in Santa Clarita, CA
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Technology in Motorhomes

Dear Reader,
The one thing I like about technology is how it evolves; back in the eighties I learned how to edit films on a Steinbeck Moviola and latter on a flatbed. Today one can shoot and edit on an iPhone and produce a good quality short film, perfect for film festivals. When I first started working in the photography side of the business eleven years ago, photographers were still shooting on film and using Polaroid to test their shots. Today DSLRs and high end digital back rule the photography world. Labs have gone out of business and digital capture companies have emerged.
The business of motor homes have changed too, larger more grandeur motor coaches have replaced the aging Bounder. Motor homes with ramps and extra doors have become the norm. The needs of the entertainment industry have changed; fax and printers are a necessity, wireless Internet access is a must. With 4G networks coming online, this allows clients the opportunity to send large raw camera files or uncompressed video to their offices anywhere in the world almost at real time. Almost, though 4G are fast, there is still a long way to go before we reach one gigabytes or more. Still, less than twelve years ago, dial-up was the norm and for some people dial-up is their only option.
I plan on installing iPad 2s on my motor homes and connecting them to the Internet with my 4G router. This will allow my clients and crew to access critical information that they may need for their production, along with wireless printers that are smart phone and iPad friendly.
As an owner and a driver, it is my responsibility to under technology and how to integrate into my motor homes. It is also important that such technology is easy to use and easy to explain to my Clients, crew and drivers. Plug and play is always better than plug and pray. At the end of the day, my Clients want the best motor home for their needs, as well as a driver who is helpful and understands the equipment on the RV.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
818 317 7099 LA/Palm Springs
415 730 7127 San Francisco/Nevada
541 619 3934 Portland/Arizona
206 777 5192 Seattle/Idaho
323 927 1546 Fax