Dear Reader
Friends ask me all the time what do you do? I tell them I provide motor homes for the entertainment industry, specifically for photo shoots, commercials, music videos and feature films. They are usually astounded that such a job actually exist. I have been a driver/operator of motor homes for almost ten years. I started my career in this business driving for someone else, eventually I got promoted to "transportation captain" and was in charge of a small fleet of motor homes for a West Los Angeles photo studio. I went solo in 2004 when that studio cease operations, I continued to work with the same producers from that studio and along the way obtained new clients.
My journey has been a engrossing trip, I have met many fascinating people and traveled to some unparalleled locations. I have met many celebrities, models and sports stars, what I like most about my job is, I never know who is going to be siting in my sofa or at my make-up table. The one thing I learned on my journey is just how human people are, some people are bless with good looks, or a passion and talent for acting, singing or sports. Some people are bless with the gift of being a good human, which I like to think is a common goal of mankind.
I am going to continue to provide the best service and the most practical motor homes in the business and I hope the entertainment industry continue to thrive even in a difficult economy. America don't give up on America, it is still the great country, and times will get better, they always do.