Dear Reader
It is a place one has seen a thousand times before in commercials, movies, photos and TV shows.
It is early morning, the road in front of me is pitch black, I have my high beams on, to the left of me is the expanse of the Pacific Ocean. As I navigate the winding highway known to locals as (PCH) or Pacific Coast Highway, I slow down, it is easy to pass up Deer Creek, especially this early in the morning. The sign for Deer Creek comes up like a deer in my headlight, I hit my brakes, the motor home comes to a stop. I drop my transmission to the lowest gear, the 8.3 Cummins engine comes to life, I am climbing a 15% grade with two 180 degree turns. I will need all the torque my engine can give me to make it up to the summit, a mile away. The CHP has their lights flashing indicating the entrance to the turnout, I make a wicked right turn, the type of turn that most motor homes would have to make in three moves, my RV makes it in one move. The location manager positions me to the proper parking spot using a high powered flash light. My journey has ended, the sun slowly rises from the east, revealing a sunrise that is difficult to describe, so I grab my camera and take pictures.
Deer Creek Road, just north

of the Los Angeles County line, in Ventura, is a place that is perfect for shooting a car going down a winding road with the Pacific Ocean and the Channel Islands in the background. Countless commercials, TV shows, photo shoots and movies have used this stretch of highway for this reason. The turnout has a large parking lot to base camp and allows an optimum place to mount a camera for a shot of PCH with its curving road below.
On PCH just north of Deer Creek Rd. is Point Dume, another fascinating location to shoot at, this is what makes our base camp on Deer Creek Rd., so important, we have three major locations within a couple of miles of each other, and one base camp. The turnout, can allow a helicopter to land and still be able to provide room for the production vehicles and crew parking.
For your next production consider this locale and if you need motor homes, portable restrooms and passenger vans please feel free to call me (Mike Green @ 818 317 7099). If you just have questions about locations I have a growing library of locations pictures.